Partner : Dentsu , LINE
Launch : 2016/06/16
7/7時点で集まった短冊は70万枚以上。短冊のデータを詳しく見ていくと、さまざまな気づきがあります。 ホットワードには、【熊本】【EU】など、2016年の今ならではの言葉も多く登場しました。その年、人が何を願ったかは、まさにその時代をうつす鏡だと思います。このプロジェクトはまだ始まったばかりですが、来年、再来年と継続して、「願い」という価値あるデータを毎年アーカイブしていくことを目指しています。そして将来、七夕という行事が、国内だけでなく世界中の願いが集まる日になることを夢見ています。/佐藤まゆみ
7/7時点で集まった短冊は70万枚以上。短冊のデータを詳しく見ていくと、さまざまな気づきがあります。 ホットワードには、【熊本】【EU】など、2016年の今ならではの言葉も多く登場しました。その年、人が何を願ったかは、まさにその時代をうつす鏡だと思います。このプロジェクトはまだ始まったばかりですが、来年、再来年と継続して、「願い」という価値あるデータを毎年アーカイブしていくことを目指しています。そして将来、七夕という行事が、国内だけでなく世界中の願いが集まる日になることを夢見ています。/佐藤まゆみ
Redesign Tanabata that people's wishes are gather to the more valuable event.
Tanabata is a custom that has been familiar in Japan through the ages. Bascule inc. , Dentsu inc. and LINE corporation started “Tanabata project” based on thought that we would like to make Tanabata to more valuable worldwide event by new technology and communication.
In 2016 as first year of Tanabata project, we set a goal to gather dreams and wishes as many as possible from all over Japan. We cooperate with LINE corporation that has more than 68million user and create LINE official account of Tanabata project, also create system that anyone can write wishes on a strip of paper on LINE. Moreover, we visualized those gathered “Big data of wishes” based on category, words and attribute of participants. Trend and features of various wishes are enjoyable to watch graphically.
More than 7hundreds thousand strip of papers of wishes gathered as of July 7th 2016.
There is many awareness to see those data in details. Famous words are “Kumamoto” , “EU”etc… There are many words that characterizes the year of 2016. What people are wished are mirrors that reflect the year.
This project has just begun, we are aiming to archives valuable Wishes data every year and we are dreaming the day Tanabata become an event that wishes gather from not only in Japan but also all over the world in the future. / Mayumi Sato
In 2016 as first year of Tanabata project, we set a goal to gather dreams and wishes as many as possible from all over Japan. We cooperate with LINE corporation that has more than 68million user and create LINE official account of Tanabata project, also create system that anyone can write wishes on a strip of paper on LINE. Moreover, we visualized those gathered “Big data of wishes” based on category, words and attribute of participants. Trend and features of various wishes are enjoyable to watch graphically.
More than 7hundreds thousand strip of papers of wishes gathered as of July 7th 2016.
There is many awareness to see those data in details. Famous words are “Kumamoto” , “EU”etc… There are many words that characterizes the year of 2016. What people are wished are mirrors that reflect the year.
This project has just begun, we are aiming to archives valuable Wishes data every year and we are dreaming the day Tanabata become an event that wishes gather from not only in Japan but also all over the world in the future. / Mayumi Sato