Launch : 2015/06/26
デジタルの中だけで終わらず、リアルにユーザと向きあうワクワクと、当日を迎えるまでどんな相談が寄せられ、どんな女性があらわれるか分からないドキドキがありましたが、本当にしずカー参加するユーザを見れたのはとてもうれしい瞬間でした。 / 濵田陽和子
デジタルの中だけで終わらず、リアルにユーザと向きあうワクワクと、当日を迎えるまでどんな相談が寄せられ、どんな女性があらわれるか分からないドキドキがありましたが、本当にしずカー参加するユーザを見れたのはとてもうれしい瞬間でした。 / 濵田陽和子
Booking for a driving of advice service by LINE
"SHIZU-CAR" advice service with driving is a promotion of TOYOTA "PASSO" which is for a limited time.
When users talk via TOYOTA official account on LINE that is the one of the most common communication tool now days, mentor of life with riding SHIZU-CAR arrive and solve problems with driving together.
This service is not only in digital world. There are exciting feelings to face users in real. Also I was little bit nervous because I didn't know what they will consult about and who will appear until the day. It was happy moment to saw real users who participated in SHIZU-CAR. / Hiwako Hamada
When users talk via TOYOTA official account on LINE that is the one of the most common communication tool now days, mentor of life with riding SHIZU-CAR arrive and solve problems with driving together.
This service is not only in digital world. There are exciting feelings to face users in real. Also I was little bit nervous because I didn't know what they will consult about and who will appear until the day. It was happy moment to saw real users who participated in SHIZU-CAR. / Hiwako Hamada