
音声ARエージェントゲーム DIVE to INGRESS

Client : Niantic, Inc.
Launch : 2018/10/13
世界200以上の国と地域に配信され、2000万ダウンロードを突破する、AR(拡張現実)を活用したスマートフォン向け位置情報ゲーム、「INGRESS」。そのテレビアニメ化を記念したスペシャルイベント「DIVE to INGRESS」と弊社の音声ARシステムがコラボレーションし、アニメの世界観を体験できるイベントを実施しました。


An interactive event that plunges attendees into the world of the animated series "INGRESS"
INGRESS is a location-based smartphone game that implements AR (Augmented Reality). Available in over 200 countries and regions worldwide, the game has cleared over 20 million downloads. Our company teamed up with DIVE to INGRESS, a special event celebrating INGRESS’ adaptation into an animated TV series, providing our audio AR system to make an event where you can truly experience the world of the anime.

The event challenged attendees to take out about 300 targets set up in Roppongi Hills within a given time frame. With orders given by the anime's voice cast, communications among players working together, and a system in which image clues were sent from users all over the world through a linkup with the original INGRESS, the event let both old and new fans jump in and enjoy the world of the anime.

We were able to both help promote the new animated series and make new fans of the show and game alike.